

Biyernes, Marso 11, 2016



Christmas time is the time for giving and sharing, but for me its all about fun. I have so much fun during this time of the year. I like to stay with my family as much as I can, because family comes first. For my friends as well, we try to stay with our family as much as we can until we can't take it any more. During the season of the Holidays, its all about the food like the: candy, tamales, doughnuts, cookies, cake, rice, beans and gifts that we all receive. For I its all about family my great friends and the Christmas parties. Next, people get to exchange gifts with friends and family. Exchanging gifts is always fun because people receive new things. Who couldn't enjoy something that was given to them free. Also, people get to give gifts to their
friends and family. Giving gifts always gives people that warm happy feeling inside. The most enjoyable part is seeing the gifts that people gave being opened by the people receiving them. That always puts a smile on peoples faces. Last but not least, people get to spend time with family. Some of the family may not have been seen in a long time so it puts everyone in a good mood to finally see them. Being with family is fun and helps make the holidays more enjoyable. One thing that many families may find interesting is sharing stories. As anyone can tell from the preceding reasons, Christmas is a great time of year. Getting a vacation from school, exchanging gifts with friends and family. The reasons that make Christmas a bad time of year are just not good enough to out- weigh the good ones. Christmas is the best holiday!

5 komento:

  1. nice work jam i already miss Christmas. i hope everyday is Christmas.

  2. Christmas is indeed the best holiday!

  3. Christmas is one of the most memorable things.
    have a great day jam.

  4. yes that's true Jamaica Christmas is the time for giving,sharing one another , and of course time for loving. god bless
